Letting Go

Life is a never ending cycle that begins and ends. As a Yogi I am all to familiar with the phrase ‘Letting Go.’ But, I’ve been asking myself why it hurt more this go around?!

I can’t help but ask, “does it always hurt this way?”

It maybe as we flow through our life we just accept the daily as the norm. But, perhaps when it’s time we know we need to make difficult decisions, even in their best interests, it’s going to hurt.

We can’t escape it, we must feel it. It happened when I lost my Dad, my first heart break 💔 so many years ago. I never thought I would recover. Through all the years , there have been so many who have passed. The tears flow.

My Duke was suffering and hanging on mainly for me? Or is that my Ego speaking. Dogs are so loyal. During his euthanasia I made sure to let my loyal companion of 15 years know he was the best boy. It wasn’t his fault, I was helping him to rest. I love him. This I my favorite picture of my Duke. Resting comfortably by my slider. We even took pictures together.

Whether we are letting go of grudges, negative thoughts, bad habits, or in this case a loyal beloved pet…

Letting Go… it is the hardest asana. 🙏🏽